Provider Prepared’s Weekly Pearl of Wound Wisdom #11 All bleeding stops eventually!
Achieving hemostasis is an essential part of wound care. Active bleeding obscures proper wound exploration, and complicates the closure of the wound. Ongoing bleeding into a closed wound leads to hematoma formation between tissue layers. The presence of hematoma separates tissue edges, leading to impaired wound healing. Hematoma also provides a breeding ground for infection.
Application of direct pressure to the site of bleeding is the first practical step in bleeding management. If bleeding persists, a compression dressing can be constructed using multiple gauze sponges topped with an elastic bandage to create holding pressure. For the majority of simple wounds approximation of wound edges with sutures, followed by placement of a compression dressing, will control bleeding.
Roberts, JA et al. Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine 2010. 572-574
Have peace of mind knowing you are prepared to stop the bleeding with a laceration repair kit from Provider Prepared!
Provider Prepared
Nathan Whittaker, MD
Application of direct pressure to the site of bleeding is the first practical step in bleeding management. If bleeding persists, a compression dressing can be constructed using multiple gauze sponges topped with an elastic bandage to create holding pressure. For the majority of simple wounds approximation of wound edges with sutures, followed by placement of a compression dressing, will control bleeding.
Roberts, JA et al. Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine 2010. 572-574
Have peace of mind knowing you are prepared to stop the bleeding with a laceration repair kit from Provider Prepared!
Provider Prepared
Nathan Whittaker, MD
- Brandon Durfee
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