Provider Prepared’s Weekly Pearl of Wound Wisdom #15 This happened how long ago?

Provider Prepared’s Weekly Pearl of Wound Wisdom #15 This happened how long ago?

Making the decision to perform primary closure, healing by secondary intention, or delayed primary closure is primarily based upon clinical judgment. Absolute contraindications to wound closure are redness, warmth, swelling, and excessive pain. In the absence of these findings, wound closure is appropriate.

Wounds that are generally appropriate for healing by secondary intention are: deep stabbing puncture wounds that cannot be adequately irrigated, heavily contaminated wounds that cannot be appropriately cleaned, small noncosmetic animal bites, abscess cavities that have undergone incision and drainage. Delay in presentation for wound care is also an indication for secondary intention.

Wounds that are on the trunk or proximal extremity that have been caused by clean, sharp objects can be repaired by primary closure 12 to 18 hours from the time of injury. Similar wounds on the face and neck can be repaired within 24 hours of the injury. For older wounds do not proceed with primary closure.

Brancato, JO et al. Minor wound preparation and irrigation. UpToDate December 2017.

Visit Provider Prepared to get the peace of mind that comes with being prepared for all your wound care needs at home!

Provider Prepared
Nathan Whittaker, MD

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